If you’re new to the study of mild traumatic brain injuries, you may want to wait to read this article until you’ve built a better base of knowledge. Enjoy! Attached is a recent (11/2008) article appearing in the Archives of Clinical Neuropscyhology.The purpose of this paper is to help neuropscyhologists identify patients suffering from mild traumatic brain injury and it does so by examining and contrasting the different definitions used by two highly respected organizations: the American Congress of Rehabilitation (ACRM) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Task force. The thrust of the article is that in order for the neuropscyhe to arrive at a diagnosis of mTBI, the history must support either LOC or PTA (post traumatic amnesia either retrograde or anterograde or both) orconfusion and disorientation OR putting those aside “neurologic signs.” Recommendations for Diagnosing a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Stephanie O’Connor, R.N., Esq. The Neurolaw Trial Group