
Category Archives: Driving

Speeding: A Good Decision? Get the Facts

Everyone speeds once in a while, especially new teen drivers. Check out these facts and -->

Middletown High School Student Killed On The Way to Senior Prom

A 17-year-old Middletown High School student, Armando Colon, who was driving to his senior prom -->

2 Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Thruway Early Sunday

A man and a woman riding a motorcycle on the Thruway early Sunday, June 2, -->

Ulster Woman, 66, Charged with DWI in Multicar Accident

A 66-year-old woman from Kingston, NY  was charged with aggravated DWI and vehicular assault on -->

At Least 6 Hurt in Crash on 9W in Port Ewen

At least 6 people were injured in a multiple-vehicle crash on Route 9W in Port -->

At High Speed, on the Road to a Driverless Future

The Google car and other autonomous vehicles are making a statement about the rapid progress -->

Young Drivers & Alcohol: A Deadly Mix

The recommendation by the National Transportation Safety Board to lower the legal blood-alcohol limit from -->

Three Injured When School Bus Drives off the Road in Wawarsing

A school bus driver, a bus aide and an 8-year-old student were injured on the -->

Fatal Accident in Warren County

A man has died after a crash on May 17th in Lake Luzerne, NY. Two -->

Savannah Nash, 16, Dies During Her First Solo Drive; Believed to Be Texting

Savannah Nash’s first solo drive sadly turned out to be her last. Nash, who had -->

U.S. Urges a Lower Blood-Alcohol Limit for Drunken Driving

Thousands of people are killed or injured each year by drunk drivers. The National Transportation -->

FDA: Lower Ambien’s Dose to Prevent Drowsy Driving

On Wednesday, May 15, The FDA approved a new, lower-dose labeling for the popular sleep -->

Drive First App by Sprint – Prevent Distracted Driving

Sprint currently provides an app that can help ease the mind of parents with teenage -->

Track Your Teens’ Driving Habits

There’s an app for that. Researchers from the University of North Carolina found that the -->

Stop The Texts. Stop The Wrecks.

The Shocking Truth: Distracted driving is the number one killer in American teens. Five seconds -->

Crash Hospitalizes Pine Bush Woman; Driver Faces DWI

A Pine Bush man was charged with driving while intoxicated on Monday in Bullville, Town -->

Driver Charged in Fatal Crash on Route 9W

A Poughkeepsie man, Francisco Vasquez-Cruz, faces a vehicular manslaughter charge following a crash in Highland -->

Teen Drinking & Driving: A Dangerous Mix

Nearly one million high school teens drank and drove in 2011. Teens are 3 times -->

Voice-To-Text Just As Dangerous As Texting

A new study shows that using voice – i.e. Siri on the iPhone – to -->

Safety Agency Backs Limits to Car Devices

In an effort to reduce the risk of distracted driving, The National Highway Traffic Safety -->

NY Thruway Troopers Stepping Up & Cracking Down On Texting & Driving

NY State Thruway Troopers will be stepping up patrols to catch motorists using their cell -->