Finkelstein & Partners, LLP Blog

Driveway Safety Information for Parents reports more than nine thousand children are treated each year in emergency rooms for -->

Handling Nursing Home Cases with Care and Professionalism

Having handled numerous nursing home abuse and neglect cases, we understand the importance of ensuring not -->

Did You Know June is National Safety Month?

Every year hundreds of thousands of people die as a result of unintentional injuries, and -->

Dry Drowning: Important Information for Parents

On June 3rd a four-year-old boy tragically died after suffering symptoms of dry drowning. The -->

Talking Safety

In a recent article the National Safety Council explores the challenges of openly and effectively -->


Our Veterans’ Services Group (VSG) has done another exemplary job for a deserving veteran.  The -->

Schenectady County Company Fined After Fatal Explosion

Last October two asphalt workers were killed on the job in a flash fire/explosion. A -->

Tips to Remember When Suing a Retail Store for Injuries

Sometimes a little retail therapy is the perfect antidote to a dreary day. When we’re -->

Rideshare Services Will Soon Be Available Upstate: Managing Partner Andrew Finkelstein Helps to Prepare Attorneys

Uber, Lyft and other ridesharing companies were recently authorized to provide services starting.  This brings -->

Falling Snow or Ice Could Lead to Premises Liability

Slip and fall accidents become more common during the winter months. When winter begins, falls -->

Should I Hire a Lawyer for my Slip and Fall Injury Case?

Slip and fall accidents occur when parking lots are icy, sidewalks are uneven, and floors -->

Injuries Due to Sporting Goods Store Negligence

The American Medical Association, and almost all medical professionals, will tell you that it’s imperative -->

Barbara Bedell: Incomplete press releases tend to pile up

As with many things in our lives, it’s either feast or famine with press releases -->

Eating Disorders as a Result of Military Sexual Trauma in Veterans

Veterans who experienced military sexual trauma (MST) are at higher risk for post-deployment eating disorders -->

Veterans, lawmakers team up to treat PTSD with dogs

The PAWS Act — or Puppies Assisting Wounded Servicemembers Act of 2017 — was reintroduced -->

President Trump Nominates Three Judges to U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims

Washington, DC – On June 7, 2017, President Trump nominated three individuals for vacancies on -->

Attorney Vincent J. Pastore of tthe Veterans’ Services Group Participated in “I did the Grid”

“I Did the Grid” is an annual run organized in Memory of Corporal Christopher G. -->

I Slipped and Fell at the Store, But There Was a Wet Floor Sign. Do I Have a Case?

Determining who is at fault when a slip and fall accident occurs in a store -->

Memorial Day Safety Tips

Memorial Day weekend, to many, is the official kick off of the summer season. As -->

ARF 5K Run & Walk with the Dogs

Sunday, May 21, 2017 – 09:15 to Tuesday, February 13, 2018 – 09:15 Beacon, NY -->