The Reasons I Do What I Do…
I couldn’t sleep last night. I was anxious about six hearings I had in the -->
Cognitive Problems After Traumatic Brain Injury
What is cognition? Cognition is the act of knowing or thinking. It includes the ability -->
Driving After a Traumatic Brain Injury
Driving After Traumatic Brain Injury Driving is an important part of a person’s independent lifestyle -->
Sleep and TBI
How common are sleep problems following a TBI? Many people who have brain injuries suffer -->
Understanding TBI
What is a brain injury? Traumatic brain injury (TBI) refers to damage to the brain -->
Facts About Traumatic Brain Injury
What is a traumatic brain injury? A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is defined as a blow or jolt -->
S. 3192, the Fair Access to Veterans Benefits Act of 2010 has been proposed
Previously on this blog, I reported on my firm’s involvement in preparing and submitting an -->
President Obama Signs Historic Legislation providing Comprehensive support to caregivers of severely disabled veterans
On May 5, 2010, President Obama signed historic legislation, referred to as S. 1963, The -->
Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury
This list is not all inclusive of all TBI symptoms. Also, a victim who suffers -->
May 3, 2010: Finkelstein & Partners Supports Red Cross Haitian Relief Efforts
Newburgh, NY – Super-sized ceremonial check in hand, Andrew Finkelstein, managing attorney of Finkelstein & -->
NY Times prints article entitled “Deadlines, Dismissals & Disabled Veterans”
The NY Times has printed an article concerning deadlines that our nation’s veterans are met -->
Back to Basics – The Brain
Here at the NLTG, we want this blog to be both a place to learn -->
Identifying Patients Suffering from Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
If you’re new to the study of mild traumatic brain injuries, you may want to -->
About the Neurolaw Trial Group and this blog
The Neurolaw Trial Group is dedicated to the representation of victims of traumatic brain injuries, -->
Finkelstein & Partners, LLP, prepares Amicus Brief to U.S. Supreme Court, on issue of Equitable Tolling and the Veteran’s Claim
Finkelstein & Partners, L.L.P., was asked to prepare an Amicus Brief for the U.S. Supreme Court -->
C.A.V.C. Holds its 11th Judicial Conference
The CAVC (Court of Appeals for Veteran’s Claims), the first Court of Law that a -->
March 14, 2010: Finkelstein & Partners Hosts Jury Expert for Legal Seminar
Finkelstein & Partners Hosts Jury Expert for Legal Seminar Best-selling author, consultant shares expertise, insight -->
March 2, 2010: Newburgh lawyer wins $34.3M verdict for client vs. drugmaker Pfizer
By Christian Livermore NEWBURGH — The Illinois woman who won a $34.3 million verdict against -->
November 23, 2009: Double Trouble for Pfizer: Two juries award more than $103 million to punish Pfizer unit, Wyeth
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Date: 11/23/09 Connie Barton and Donna Kendall both have something in common: -->
November 23, 2009: Pfizer Jury Awards $28 Million Over Hormone Drugs
By Sophia Pearson Nov. 23 (Bloomberg) — Two Pfizer Inc. units were ordered to pay -->
April 7, 2009: Lilly, Plaintiff Group Settle Zyprexa MDL Claims
By Tina Peng Law360, New York (April 07, 2009) — A group of plaintiffs has -->