Finkelstein & Partners LLP – Boston Office
50 Congress Street,
Boston, MA 02109 (617)-580-3144
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Burns can cause some of the most significant trauma and pain of any injury. Whether you suffered burns in a fire or chemical exposure, you may be dealing with immense pain, scarring, and a high risk of infection and other complications. When someone else’s negligence causes those devastating injuries, you may have the right to compensation for the financial costs and struggles you faced as a direct result of the accident.
You may need a Boston personal injury lawyer to help you navigate your burn injury claim and give you a better idea of the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Contact Finkelstein & Partners today for your free consultation.
Finkelstein & Partners: Legal Help for Boston Burn Injury Victims
Severe burns require excellent medical treatment and may lead to high overall costs. You may struggle to decide how to handle your medical expenses and the many challenges ahead.
At Finkelstein & Partners, we understand the challenges burn injury victims face throughout the recovery process, from the high expenses they may face to the challenges of dealing with the insurance company. We fight to help our clients recover financial compensation for those injuries.
You Don’t Pay Unless We Win
Dealing with all the bills associated with severe injuries can feel daunting. At Finkelstein & Partners, we know our clients’ financial challenges and endeavor to help them maximize the compensation they can recover. We provide legal support that does not further strain their budgets.
Start with a free consultation at no obligation to you to help you better understand your right to compensation and the steps you may need to take next as you pursue your burn injury claim.
Get the Small-Firm Support You Need
Following severe burn injuries, you may need someone to walk you through the claim process and help you navigate your claim’s complexities. At Finkelstein & Partners, we aim to provide that support to all our clients, giving you someone you can count on to help you deal with your claim.
Stay Informed
When you suffer severe burn injuries and need to file an injury claim, you have the right to all the relevant information about that claim. At Finkelstein & Partners, we make access easy. Our dedicated online system allows you to check in on the details of your claim at any time. This 24-hour claim check provides better insights into what happens next as you deal with the claim process.
Did you suffer serious burn injuries in the Boston area? Contact Finkelstein & Partners now for the help you need to navigate that claim successfully.
How Much Compensation Can You Expect for Boston Burn Injuries?
Treatment for burn injuries in Boston can mean extensive financial losses and long-term medical needs. You may end up with a long stay in the Sumner M. Redstone Burn Center at Massachusetts General Hospital or receiving multiple treatments for your burns over time.
How much compensation can you get for your injuries and challenges you may have faced because of your burns?
It may depend on:
Who caused your burns, and under what circumstances? When you file an injury claim, you will receive compensation through an insurance policy covering the liable party. The compensation you can recover may depend on the limits of that insurance policy.
Did multiple parties contribute to your burns or share liability for the incident that led to your burns? If so, you might have the right to file a claim against each party that contributed to the incident, which may increase the compensation you can ultimately recover.
What damages did you suffer because of your burns? Ultimately, the compensation you recover will depend on the extent of your burns, the damages you sustained because of them, and the losses you include as part of your claim.
At Finkelstein & Partners, we cannot guarantee the compensation you will recover for your burns. Still, we can help you look at your total losses and the payment you should ask for as part of your claim.
Your Medical Costs
Your medical bills will depend on the depth of your injuries, what treatments you require, and your overall medical needs during your recovery. Scalded skin treatments may cost less than treatment for deep burns. Furthermore, if you suffer complications during the recovery process, including any type of infection, it may further increase your medical costs.
Any Wage Losses
Burn injuries can have a profound impact on your ability to work. You may need to avoid any heat sources common in many warehouses and kitchens. Further, you may have ongoing problems with pain from your injuries, which may prevent you from working. You may have to remain in a sterile environment, including a special burn unit, to help reduce your overall risk of infection. Those wage losses can add up substantially over time.
Pain and Suffering
Burn injuries often cause immense physical pain. They can also leave behind significant scarring, which may impact your self-esteem and cause immense emotional distress. Talk to your lawyer about your losses due to your burn injuries, including anxiety, depression, or other long-term impacts. Then, they can include them as part of your claim.
Boston Burn Injuries: What You Need to Know
Fires can spread rapidly through the Boston area since winds from the ocean can quickly fan the flames and cause them to jump to other buildings. As a result, fires can quickly get out of control.
If you suffer burn injuries in Boston, you must file a claim for compensation before the Massachusetts statute of limitations expires. In Massachusetts, you have three years from the date of an accident to file an injury claim and pursue compensation for your burns.
Common Causes of Burns
Heat burns occur due to exposure to either heat or flame.
Chemical burns occur when the victim faces exposure to caustic chemicals. Chemical burns can also lead to other symptoms throughout the body.
Cold burns can occur when the victim faces exposure to extreme cold. Much like extreme heat, extreme cold can lead to significant damage to the skin and underlying tissue.
Friction burns occur due to exposure to extreme friction, such as when someone gets dragged across the pavement during an auto accident.
Electrical burns result from exposure to electricity, often on construction sites.
Liability for a burn injury may depend on where the damage occurs and who likely contributed to those circumstances.
Fighting the Insurance Company After Burns in Boston
If you suffer severe burns in Boston, you may find yourself fighting with the insurance company for the compensation you deserve. Severe burns may mean serious medical bills and substantial suffering, which may last long. Unfortunately, many insurance companies will fight against paying out the compensation you reasonably deserve for those injuries.
You might get a low settlement offer that does not reflect the damages you sustained in your accident. You might have to fight to establish that the liable party did cause your accident. The insurance company might stonewall you, refusing to communicate about your injuries and claim.
At Finkelstein & Partners, we have extensive experience dealing with insurance companies throughout the Boston area. We know how to determine the compensation you deserve, and we can help you fight against the insurance company to get that much-needed compensation following your Boston burn accident.
What to Do After Suffering Burns in Boston
Your doctor may provide clear instructions to you after a burn accident in Boston. Following those instructions will not only aid in your recovery, but it may also make it easier to recover the full compensation you deserve for your burns.
Furthermore, you may need to follow several critical steps to increase the odds that your insurance claim will proceed smoothly, and that you will get the compensation you deserve.
Get a copy of any incident or accident report related to your burns. Check to ensure that it accurately reflects the incident and contains all relevant information.
Document your recovery in a journal. Offer an honest assessment of the pain and trauma caused by your burns. You may use that journal to establish the overall suffering you faced after your accident.
Keep track of all medical expenses, including co-pays and deductibles that you may pay as you receive treatment for your burns. You will need evidence of those costs to include them accurately in your injury claim.
Get in touch with our lawyers as soon as you can. A lawyer can help you navigate the entire injury claim process, from putting together a clear claim for the insurance company to fighting for the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
An insurance claim can take longer than many people anticipate. However, by following these key steps, you will increase the odds of recovering the compensation you need.
To seek compensation for burn injuries, you will need to establish that your landlord committed an act of negligence that led to the incident and to your injuries.
For example, you might have the right to pursue compensation for burn injuries if your landlord:
Did not install the right fire alarm in your residence
Installed electrical wiring that posed a problem
Created or maintained a fire hazard on the property
Failed to address known fire hazards on the property
If you question whether your landlord bears liability for a fire in your home and the burns you sustained in the fire, contact Finkelstein & Partners to discuss your accident.
We will ask several key questions to determine who bears liability for your burns.
Who bore a duty of care to you at the time of the incident? For example, a property owner might bear a duty of care to anyone who visits that property.
Who committed an act of negligence that led to the incident or that contributed to your burns? For example, stacking chairs in front of a mandatory fire exit might constitute an act of negligence in the case of a fire.
Did that negligence cause or contributed to your burns?
To file a burn injury claim, you will need to establish that you sustained burns because of the other party’s negligence. You cannot file a burn injury claim for a near miss, despite the clear negligence that led to the incident.
Most injury claims, including burn injuries, typically settle out of court. However, you may have greater odds of going to court over your injury claim if you have severe burns, high expenses because of those burns, or a case of disputed liability, in which the liable party refuses to accept liability for the incident. If you do have to go to court, having a lawyer on your side can help increase the odds that you will recover the full compensation you deserve for your injuries.
Did you suffer burns due to another party’s negligence? A lawyer can help you learn more about your rights and offer comprehensive advice as you navigate your claim. Contact Finkelstein & Partners today at (617) 580-3144 to discuss your right to compensation.