On Monday, April 30th Managing Partner, Andrew Finkelstein attended the New York State Trial Lawyer’s Association’s (NYSTLA) annual Civil Justice Lobby Day. The purpose of Civil Justice Lobby Day is to defend the Civil Justice System and the rights of all New Yorkers. Just last year Mr. Finkelstein worked with key members of NSYSTLA and the NYS legislature to ensure New Yorkers have the best possible protections should they be involved in a crash while in or with a ridesharing vehicle.
This year Mr. Finkelstein had the distinct honor of presenting Senator John J. Bonacic with the New York State Trial Lawyers Association’s “Champion of Justice” award.
“Senator Bonacic has served as the Chairman of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee for the past eight years and has worked with NYSTLA on different pieces of legislation and initiatives in that time. The mission of the New York State Trial Lawyers is ‘to promote a safer and healthier society, to assure access to the civil justice system by those who are wrongfully injured and to advance representation of the public by ethical, well-trained lawyers’”. –NySenate.Gov
Congratulations, Senator Bonacic, on this well-deserved honor.