Newburgh Slip & Fall Accident Lawyer
Finkelstein & Partners
1279 Route 300
Newburgh, NY, 12551
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Finkelstein & Partners, LLP – Winning Serious Injury Lawsuits Since 1959
A slip and fall can catch you by surprise and leave you with injuries that require medical treatment and may not allow you to go about your daily responsibilities, such as work. Slips and falls can happen virtually anywhere, making them unpredictable and difficult to identify when you are at the highest risk.
Negligent property owners and others can prevent almost all slips and falls in Newburgh. When they fail to keep visitors on a property safe, you need the Newburgh slip and fall accident lawyers at Finkelstein & Partners.
How Finkelstein & Partners Can Help a Victim of a Slip and Fall Accident?
Our team of premises liability attorneys can discuss your case details with you during a free no-obligation consultation. During this time, an attorney from Finkelstein & Partners will take the time to listen to your concerns and the circumstances of your accident. Our slip and fall lawyers can go over your chances of recovery and whether they can take your case.
If you choose to hire our firm to represent you, we will waste no time alerting everyone in the case that you have obtained our legal representation and to divert all communications and matters on the case through us.
Finkelstein & Partners diligently file insurance claims for you by gathering the support to prove your losses and the negligent actions of the party at fault. Our team keeps you informed of all the latest developments in your case and continues to represent you until the case resolves.
Finkelstein & Partners’ Successful Client Outcomes
We have years of experience and background in representing victims of slip and fall premises liability cases. Our team is ready to go up against any party, whether an insurer, corporation, or private individual, to fight for your rights under the law.
While we cannot guarantee success in all of our cases, examples of past winning outcomes for clients of our firm include:
- A $28.3 million verdict in favor of the victim of a workplace injury due to a fall caused by labor law violations
- A $12.7 million settlement for a victim suffering injuries after a fall due to unsafe working condition
- A $3.77 million verdict for a victim that fell while working at a construction site with a lack of worker protections
Slip and Fall Accidents in Newburgh
Slip and fall accidents are some of the leading causes of unintentional injury-related deaths. The National Safety Council estimates that over 39,000 people will lose their lives in one year in slips and falls. The workplace, businesses, and private properties are common locations where a slip and fall injury can happen in Newburgh.
Negligence can lead to a slip and fall in any of these scenarios. While worker’s compensation insurance will often help victims that suffer injuries while on the job, other victims of slip and fall accidents may have recourse through different means such as a liability insurance claim or a lawsuit against the party or parties determined at fault.
The Most Common Injuries in Slip and Fall Accidents
Many people may not consider that a slip and fall has the potential to cause serious injuries, let alone death. Depending on where a fall happens, how high off the ground a victim is, and the momentum and force of the fall can mean the difference between a few bumps and bruises or more traumatic injuries such as brain damage, shattered bones, and internal injury to organs.
Common injuries in a slip and fall incidents include:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Neck or back injuries
- Injuries to ligaments, tendons, muscles
- Strains or sprains
- Broken bones
- Cuts or lacerations
Is Someone Else Responsible for the Injuries and Losses You Sustain in a Slip and Fall?
Some people, including some victims themselves, may lump a slip and fall incident as just an accident. This myth prevents many victims with significant losses from getting compensation the law allows them to pursue. Owners of businesses, property, homes, and land have responsibilities to keep all who enter their premises safe and free from unexpected injury or harm.
When a victim slips and falls while on property owned or managed by another party, there should be immediate suspicion that the incident may have resulted from negligence. This is not to say that accidents do not occur. Still, if an event was preventable and due to a lack of safety measures on the part of the individuals responsible for the property, they may, in turn, be liable to the victim for their damages.
Liable parties in a slip and fall include:
- Land or property owner
- Business or party managing the land
- A homeowner or renter
How Can You Prove Another Party Is at Fault for the Slip and Fall Incident?
Although another party may be liable for your injuries in a slip and fall, the challenge and difficulty in a slip and fall case are to prove that the party is, in fact, at fault and responsible to you for the losses you incur. This is where an attorney will prove invaluable in guiding you through the aftermath of a slip and fall.There are complex laws and different standards that apply to premises liability cases, the umbrella under which a slip and fall case falls. Depending on a victim’s association with the location where they suffer an injury and the facts surrounding the accident, different rules or evidence requirements may apply to the case.
In Newburgh, a victim of a slip and fall will need to prove:
- There was a hazard or dangerous condition inherent to the property or created by another party on the property
- A property owner or someone that reports to them was aware of the danger or should have been aware
- There was no reasonable attempt or action to cure the dangerous condition or to notify guests of the hazard
While these elements of a slip and fall case seem straightforward to prove, they are quite complex and involved, particularly in commercial scenarios.
An attorney on your behalf will, in many instances, need to pry and discover the inner workings and protocols of a business or the management of the property to discover how and where a failure to uphold the duty of care occurred.
Who Is Likely to Suffer Serious or Fatal Injuries in a Slip and Fall?
A person of any age can slip and fall in an accident. However, as people age, they become more susceptible to a fall due to a decrease in coordination and limitations in mobility. The CDC estimates that older adults are at the highest risk of injury and death from a slip and fall than any other age group. In fact, falls are the most common cause of injury deaths in this portion of the U.S. population.
While many might assume that all of these falls take place in the home or care facilities, the reality is that an accident can happen anywhere, and if you are an older victim of a fall that you believe was due to another party’s negligence, you may be eligible to seek compensation for your damages.
Slips and falls in the aging population can cause serious injuries such as hip fractures, traumatic brain injuries, other broken bones, and subsequent complications, which increase mortality rates. The injuries can be life-threatening and cause significant interruption to the routine and quality of life of a victim.
Some victims may require around-the-clock care and support following a slip and fall accident. Although some older individuals can recover and regain their independence, others may sustain permanent damage and face deteriorating conditions that can make it impossible to achieve.
Does Insurance Cover Slip and Fall Accidents?
Suing a party is a common legal option available to victims of a slip and fall, but it may not be the most practical or effective option depending on the facts of your case. In many instances of a slip and fall accident, there is likely to be an active insurance policy that may cover a victim’s losses and damages.
Homeowner’s insurance, renter’s policies, business liability insurance, and other land and property insurance policies cover slip and fall injuries.
Unfortunately, however, getting the insurers to pay up after a slip and fall accident is rarely a smooth process. Insurance company representatives will try what they can to reduce liability if possible. Even better in their eyes if they can eliminate it. This can create stressful situations for victims of a slip and fall accident that face financial hurdles and challenges after the unexpected impacts of the injuries on their lives.
In most cases, a slip and fall attorney can relieve some of the pressure and stress of dealing with the insurers and work with you to reach the best resolution possible for your case.
What Compensation Might You Recover in a Slip and Fall Case?
As a slip and fall victim, the financial compensation you may be eligible for can vary greatly. The extent of your injuries, your expenses, and the impact of the injuries on your way of life will influence the amount of money you can pursue in your case and how much an insurer may negotiate and offer you a settlement for your case.
Your attorney will go over your losses and provide you with an estimate of your damages to help you and them begin negotiations with the insurer and to get a better understanding of what you should expect in the case. The calculation of damages by your attorney does not represent what the insurer will offer you but can provide you with a ballpark idea of the maximum compensation available in your case.
Damages from a slip and fall injury accident include:
- Emergency medical care and ambulatory services
- Costs of medical treatment
- Medical equipment, prescriptions, transportation to and from doctor’s appointments
- All follow up care and rehabilitation
- Support services and care, whether in-home or a facility
- Loss of income for missed work hours
- Future loss of income for injuries requiring extensive recovery or resulting in permanent disability
- Loss of income potential and future growth
- Physical pain and suffering
- Emotional and mental distress caused by the accident and subsequent injuries
- Wrongful death compensation for the family of a loved one that dies due to a slip and fall
If You are a Victim of a Slip and Fall, Contact Finkelstein & Partners—The Injury Attorneys

At Finkelstein & Partners, we help victims of personal injury accidents, including slip and fall victims, fight for the compensation the law may entitle them after a negligent accident. We understand the financial challenges, physical pain, and suffering that a victim of a slip and fall will go through after an accident due to the fault of another party.
It is not right for a victim to shoulder the overwhelming burdens that are common after such an accident, and we work hard to help you recover your losses to help you move forward after an accident.
If this happened to you, call us at (887) 565-2993 or contact us by email, or use our live chat. We’ll provide our free case evaluation and let you know how we can help you.
Our very first office was opened in Newburgh in 1959, and we are proud to say our headquarters is still located in the heart Newburgh. Whether it is providing exceptional legal representation or giving back to our community, we strive to give our all.