This was an unusual dog bite case where the ownership of the animal was in dispute. After being found unfit as adopters by a local Humane Society, the Defendants prevailed upon their employee, Plaintiff’s mother, to adopt the dog for them. The agency felt these older Defendants were physically incapable of managing the large, active dog but Defendants nonetheless took the animal into their home as a pet. When their physical infirmities worsened, Defendants asked Plaintiff’s mother to care for the dog temporarily, which she agreed to do. It was during this temporary custody that our 12 year old client was bitten in the face, causing terrible tearing injuries. She has suffered significant disfigurement which will require long term therapy as well as future plastic surgery to try to revise her scars. This case went to trial and a jury determined the defendants to be liable for the dog’s actions. Ther personal injury team responsible for handling this case included George Kohl, Andy Spitz, Edward Steves, Kenneth Fromson and Managing Partner Andrew Finkelstein.