
$2,000,000 Settlement: Negligence at Nursing Home Leads to Tragic Death

A Nursing Home in New York City was held accountable for failing to properly care for a resident that led to the death of an 81-year-old resident. The plaintiff, initially independent until a stroke on June 10, 2014, left her paralyzed on her left side, was admitted to the nursing home for short-term rehab in August 2014 but stayed long-term.

A few months later, her daughter noticed a scrape on her mother’s buttocks and informed the nursing staff, purchasing cream for the wound. The nursing home staff prevented her from applying it, and the scrape worsened into a large stage 4 bed sore. This led to two surgeries and ultimately, the plaintiff’s death in January the following year due to infections from the untreated sore.

The plaintiff’s family sued to ensure better care for other residents. The nursing home agreed to pay the plaintiff’s family $2,000,000 for their pain and suffering, aiming to prompt necessary changes at the nursing home and to rectify their failures.

The case was handled by our nursing home attorney Michele Haber and trial attorney Michael Feldman.