“This thank you note is overdue, but nevertheless, it could not be more sincere. I cannot begin to thank you for your hard work and continued support over the last few years. What may be business as usual for your firm was exceptional from my perspective. I have been through medical trauma before, but the legal side of the ordeal was new, uncharted water for me. Maybe it is all the Irish Catholic guilt of my childhood, but I really do everything I can to lead a life above reproach. As sanctimonious as this may sound, living in a boarding school environment tends to insulate us from some of the harsher day-to-day realities. But at the same time it is precisely my environment that made me look at litigation with distain.
That is until something happens that throws your world into a freefall. I am pretty good at accepting the inevitable—things happen, grow-up and deal with them gracefully. I just had such a difficult time wrapping my head around the fact that I needed to defend myself in this incident. It has definitely been life altering in how I see the old puritan work ethic, personal responsibility (or lack of), and litigation especially in personal injury cases.
I am not going to say it is not about the money – of course it’s about the money. But it is also about the role of lawyers who know how to navigate a system and do their best to help a client set things right – or as right as they can be. The past doesn’t change: the surgeries were horrific, the recovery long and ongoing, and the one that still haunts me the most was that my mother died before I was well enough to be there. It was not easy, but your constant support is what truly made the difference. While my intention isn’t to canonize you, what made the biggest difference was your quick response to emails or phone calls: to answer a question, reassure me, or keep me in the loop. Your responses to my questions were usually by the end of the day, or the next day at the latest. That is what set you apart from everyone else that I dealt with. Again, I can’t thank you enough.
Although I hope to never need your services again, I remain grateful for those you provided and will offer endorsement if any one I know needs legal assistance in the future.”