“I feel compelled to write you and convey my recent experience with your firm(s) pertaining to a recent case that was handled on my behalf. I am a now retired police officer having been struck by an intoxicated driver while I was conducting a vehicle and traffic stop in December of 2009. Although I had an outstanding 27 year career in law enforcement, I began to realize the tremendous impact that having to retire before I wanted to, was going to have on my family. I consulted with several law firms and ultimately chose Finkelstein and Partners to represent me.
I knew the process would be a long and somewhat complicated one however, your staff made it extremely “easy to navigate”. From the warm, friendly receptionists on the 4th floor of your Newburgh offices who despite the high visitor traffic always seemed to know me, to Melody Gregory who I met with initially for consultation, I received a level of attention greater than expected. My questions were always answered completely, and most important to me, voice mails were returned promptly. As my case progressed through the process I dealt with many people, including Kathy Sheehan who always managed to help keep me organized and focused by her periodic requests for updated information. Meaningful referrals were made along the way by all your staff especially David Akerib, as this case had several parallels including a Social Security Disability claim, Workers Comp with 207 C complications and a Retirement application all intertwined with each other. I chose your sister firm Fine, Olin & Anderman to handle the Social Security portion and received outstanding attention and representation from Pamela Thomas as well as her administrative support staff. My only regret was not using them for workers comp as I am still struggling with that end of things and to date it is the only piece of this process that remains unresolved.
Finally and most importantly, the person I want to thank most is Steve Cohen. When my case progressed to the point of nearing closure, I met Steve Cohen. I was impressed from the beginning by how prepared he was even during our first phone conversation. I assumed he had my case file in front of him because, he was able to speak to specifics of my case with ease. It wasn’t until our first face to face meeting that I saw how monstrous the paper case file actually was. It proved he had to have had a strong, knowledge of my case to be able to answer as quickly and accurately as he did. He sometimes gave me answers to my questions that didn’t always make me happy, but were in fact the right answers. Having a police background, I felt I had a solid understanding of “the law” and knew the processes well. I found I had much to learn about how the civil side of things worked.
Our first in person meeting was equally as pleasing. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor and clicked almost immediately with Steve. I also confirmed that he was very well prepared for the arbitration that was to take place. Steve in a subtle way pointed out the places he thought my case was strong as well as the few weak spots including the manner in which I was used to testifying. He pointed out that I was NOT testifying in court as a police officer but instead as the injured party. It was a humbling lesson but so very important. We spoke at great length about strategy as well as some possible final numbers. The case was well put together and all bases appeared covered in that expert witness reports were in place, and Steve did a phenomenal job of prepping me for my testimony. As the case progressed to settlement offers our discussions became more frequent. Steve did an tremendous job not only in negotiating the final settlement but in guiding me through the entire process. Each offer was relayed to me quickly and explained fully. I considered myself a betting man until the offers starting rolling in. Steve gave me the positive and negative of each offer and clearly spelled out the risks of settling too early. He also gave me his recommendations. Thankfully, I listened to him and held out for the last offer which was more than I thought we would receive in the arbitration. I did not want to risk going forward although Steve strongly suggested we do so.
My point in writing to you Andrew is to say thank you to you and your entire staff for the outstanding effort put forth on behalf of my family and I. The dedication shown by all (I hope I didn’t miss anyone) was outstanding.”