
Reckless Driver Causes Wappingers Car Crash

Our client was in Wappingers Falls on her way to pick up her daughter from school when she came to a red light at the State Route 9 and Meyers Corner intersection. When the light turned green she entered the intersection and was suddenly struck by another driver who failed to stop at the red light. The driver at fault later admitted he knew the light was red yet still plowed through the busy intersection. Failing to stop at a red light is one of the most dangerous things a driver can do, and often ends in disaster. As a result of the crash, our client suffered painful injuries to her neck and back which eventually required surgery.  A team of F&P personal injury lawyers, Managing Attorney David Gross and Trial Attorney Brian Acard, were able to settle this case for the limited amount of insurance available, which unfortunately totaled just $100,000.